Our Civic Association has several active committees working to make our community an even better place to live.
Learn more about each and sign up to help below.

The Communications Committee serves to facilitate communication within the Civic Association membership and between the Board and the membership. The committee helps develop the Association Newsletter, and maintain the website and listserv.

The Social Events Committee organizes and runs the social events sponsored by the Civic Association. These events include the annual block party, McKenney Hills Park Clean-Up, Spring Egg Hunt, Halloween Parade and more.

The Traffic & Safety Committee is charged with being the Civic Association’s liaison for all safety concerns and hosting the annual National Night Out event. The committee collects community concerns related to pedestrian and vehicular safety, and works with the appropriate County/State officials to resolve the safety issues. Additionally, the committee serves as the liaison with the Third District station’s community officers and provides updates to the community on area crime.

The Nominating Committee selects nominees for the election of Civic Association officers at the September membership meeting. The committee consists of three individuals with active Civic Association membership. Each member will be elected at the September membership meeting following the election of officers. Officers may not be members of the Nominating Committee.

The Membership Committee manages new and renewing membership activities. This includes conducting membership outreach and welcoming new neighbors.