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Membership Roll

MHCK Civic Association

Thanks to the 183 (and counting) families which have paid their 2022 MHCK Civic Association dues. Our 2022 membership goal is 275 active dues-paying families, which would reflect one in four of the approximately 1,100 homes in our association footprint.

Dues income supports the Association’s robust events and activities program, including the following upcoming events:

  • The MHCK Block Party (July 17)

  • National Night Out (August 2)

  • Halloween Parade (October 29)

Special thanks to Membership Committee members Carol Adams, Alex Arnsberger, Sonia Hudson and Ari Reeves.

To join your neighbors in supporting the Association in 2022, please visit today.

Dave Coyne

Membership Chair

The 2022 Membership Roll

(as of May 31, 2022)

​Amanda & Nate Dennison Alison Dillon Normita & Jimmy Dimapilis Susan Drake Erika Drazen & Liam Wittert Kathleen Enright Megan Erb Julia Faltermeier Pamela Ficca Cailyn Finkel Sheila & Eli Fishlowitz Gwen Fitzgerald Jessica Flores & Martin Gutierrez Maggie Flowers & Julie Todhunter Leah Ford Cindy & Larry Frank Jennifer & Michael Freedman James M. Fremont Donna Gabriel Yaneth Galindo Jennifer Gartlan Andrea & Jonathan Gehman Amy Gold & Stuart Clack Jacob & Robert Goldstein Michelle Grier Jason Hanley Shaun Hardy & David Wyrick, Jr. Kevin He Joshua Heit Deborah Herrin Tilak Hewagama & Reiko Yoshimura Lindy Russell-Heymann & Alan Heymann Joey Hipolito Fallon Hitchens David Houston Donna Beth Howe Stephanie Hsu Sonia Hudson Jennifer & Mike Hurst Evelyn & John Jacobus Beth Johnson Marian Katz Margaret Kavanagh Lynn Kelly & Richard Harris Erik Kiefel Poa Kiekebusch & Lucy Kiekebusch-Steinitz Robin Koralek Sarah & Jared Kosters Dawn Krusemark Sandra Kwedere & Philip Coyne Julien Labiche Elissa Leif Michael Lessin Cecilia & Yuval Levin Sarah Lichtner Kristina Lilac and Tyler Robertson Ashley Lipps & Bryan Wheeler James M. Loving Koshie Macias Jenny Maggiore Liza Magno & Matthew Greene Anke Mann Revathi Manohar Mildred Marchetti Rochelle & Lawrence Margasak Marian and William McClellan Alice McDonnell Rebecca McGinnis

Teman Mebane

Eric Metcalf

Megan & Josh Montgomery

Joseph Mooradian

Maryanne Morgan

Margaret Morrison

Abbileigh Mulvihill

Kerry & Mike Murray

Jeanine Nault & Zach Shoup Kristin Nelson Cindy Norell Mary Alice O'Halloran Danielle & Bill O'Neil Laurie & Istvan Pajor Sarah Park Mary Perraut David Pham Melba Piersma Renee Pilone Yvonne Quilop Peggy Quinn Martha Randall Rayburn Maureen Rieras Sara & Paul Robinson Julie & Jeff Roddin Betty & Tom Rogers Julie, Jason and Tegan Royster Julie Ryan-Silva Nicholas Sammons Christina Samuels Jaylene Sarracino Deb Sayondeep Ben Schlesinger Joanne Schwandes Joe Shaffner Leslie & Sachin Shah Maryam Sharif-Peck Catherine & Jeff Sluder Jackie & Mark Smith Zenobia Sribnick Wendy Stallings Nancy Stewart Sarah Sulkosky Gene Taft Lauren Talcott & John Dater Tammy Taylor Miguel Teixeira Frances Teplitz & Michael Zielinski Justin Theal Dick Tingley Kathryn Toffenetti Zehra Tosun & Pedro Diaz Kierstan & Robert Turner Unn Villius Leah & William Walker Carey Ward & Tom Perlozzo Lizzie Weber & Andrew Jones Marc Weinstein Daniel Williams Cathy Winter & Ron Cowen Anne Rae Wisniewski Lyn & Jay Womack Zewdness Wondimeneh Kristen & Ed Wright Esayas Wureta Agnieszka Zieminska Yank Tara Young

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