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Message from Board President

MHCK Civic Association

Happy Summer!

The McKenney Hills - Carroll Knolls Civic Association (MH-CK CA) has had an active and productive first half of 2022! Our civic association continues to expand and adapt to the changing times. In the Spring, we sent out a survey to our listserv asking for feedback on topics such CA events, membership meetings, and local issues. We heard from many of you and truly value your insights and recommendations. If you missed the survey, please click here to participate and make your voice heard!

One very exciting announcement is that our civic association will be the recipient of The 2022 Sentinel Award given by the Montgomery County Civic Federation (MCCF)! This award, sponsored by the Montgomery Sentinel newspaper, is given annually by the Civic Federation to an individual or group, typically outside government, for a “significant contribution to good government at the local level.” Thank you to all of our volunteers and members who make this such a wonderful organization to be a part of.

The civic association is continuing the trend from 2021 of setting record numbers of active members. We’ve mailed postcards to nonmember households and put up yard signs to raise awareness of our association. We continue to update our website and Facebook page to offer multiple platforms to communicate with the community. Our listserv is active and filled with neighbors eager to support and engage with one another. We have had successful COVID-safe events for all to enjoy.

Another way in which our association is growing is through our revitalized sponsorship program. Earlier this year, the board reached out to local businesses and received an overwhelming response of support. Currently, nine locally owned businesses have generously contributed to our association by becoming 2022 sponsors.

I cannot thank my fellow board members enough for their commitment to improving our community and our civic association: Maggie Flowers, Dave Coyne, and Kristin Nelson; as well as our committee chairs, Matt Tynan and Josh Montgomery. We also have many neighbors who volunteer on our committees: membership, traffic & safety, events, and communications. I am tremendously grateful to all of our wonderful volunteers for your service!

Our community is filled with talented, generous and busy people! So, even if you cannot commit to a board position, we’d love to have you volunteer for an individual task. Please get in touch with one of our board members for more details.

I hope that everyone has a happy and healthy summer. I look forward to seeing many of you at our BIG block party this summer on Sunday, July 17, followed by National Night Out on Tuesday, August 2.


Kerry Murray

MH-CK CA President

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