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Volunteers Needed for Traffic & Safety Committee

MHCK Civic Association

The MHCK Civic Association's Traffic and Safety Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a couple short-term special projects we are launching. We are looking for help with the following:

1. Sidewalk initiative

2. Stop sign and crosswalks requests

We have learned of some new pathways to help us potentially get some of these issues addressed. The majority of the help needed will be administrative (sending emails, filling out paperwork, formatting petitions, etc...) but there are some other, more involved, areas that need help as well. If you are interested please contact us at We are looking to get started pretty quickly and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, we've also received a generous contribution from a neighbor to replace the pedestrian flags at the street crossings and/or add additional flags at other crossings. If you have any intersections that you'd like to recommend for pedestrian flags, please let me know.

Thanks to Bruce Cotting, who donated a portion of his recent house sale on Gardiner, for making this possible.

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