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MHCK Civic Association

An estimated 200 neighbors turned out to welcome back the post-Covid resumption of National Night Out at Flora Singer.

The Park Police brought their vehicle equipped with a laboratory and their ever-popular police dogs.

The Montgomery County Police Third District came with their motorcycle and squad cars.

As a special treat for the children, both the Silver Spring and Kensington fire stations came with their trucks. Since Covid restrictions prevented everyone from sitting inside, the firefighters did a wonderful job of explaining how the trucks worked.

Starbucks, a national sponsor of NNO, provided free coffee and pastries. We had plenty of packaged snacks and cold drinks.

State Delegates Jared Solomon and Emily Shetty, and state Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher mingled with the crowd and discussed any issues that concerned the community. County staffers also attended, including an assistant to County Executive Marc Elrich.

The civic association is pleased to resume this event annually, so neighbors can meet their police representatives, fire department first responders and officeholders.

Larry Margasak

Vice President

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